Best Paper Award Winners
Best Paper Award Winners
We would like to congratulate the following authors for winning the Best Paper Award:
- Jyoti Ranjan Barik
for the paper entitled: “Effect of a Long-Duration Irregular Excitation on the Dynamic Behavior of a Vertically Baffled Base-Isolated Rectangular Fluid Container“ - Bolivar Hernan Hernan Maza
for the paper entitled: “Looking Into the Anthropocene: Sustainable Design Philosophy, Behaviour of GFRP and Steel in Concrete Beams Subjected to Flexion“ - Ahmad Morsel
for the paper entitled: “Reduced-scale Testing of Masonry Structures Subjected to Explosions“ - Haard Shukla
for the paper entitled: “Study of Pre-Mix and Post-Mix Techniques for Effective Incorporation of Nano Silica in Concrete “
Final Extended Paper Submission Deadline
Final Extended Notification to Authors
Final Extended Early-Bird Registration
Registration fee includes the following:
- Publication of 1 accepted paper in the proceedings. Publication of each additional paper requires a €250 EUR registration
- Buffet lunch for each day of the conference
- 2 coffee breaks for each day of the conference
- 1 banquet dinner OR cruise tour
Important information for accompanying person(s): Please be informed that the accompanying person can NOT be a co-author.
Co-authors, regardless if 1 author is attending, must pay the full registration fee.
The accompany person fee is only for spouses and/or children. Please contact us if you are unsure.
Virtual registration fee includes the following:
- Publication of 1 accepted paper in the proceedings. Publication of each additional paper requires a €150 EUR registration
- Access to all the sessions of the conference